The Fat Fairy

Sunday, January 25, 2009

NOT a cupcake post, but one from the heart.

So, it's 2009.
How on earth did that happen?

Christmas was so, so busy but lovely and my New Year celebrations were very quiet. Just me, the bugaboo and a bottle of babycham - don't ask!

But, I start the year hopeful.

I've just read and re-read The Secret.
I kept putting it off because of all the hype but it's re-energised and re-focused me and I'm a little sorry that I waited because I love the message.
If you get the chance, please read it.

I know now that good things are happening to me because that's all I'm asking the universe for and I'm doing all I can to attract only the positive into my life and it's working and I'm so grateful I can't even begin to tell you.

Whoever may be out there reading this (and it may be only me...) I wish you a wonderful, positive, abundant, fruitful, truly happy and joyous 2009.
