The Fat Fairy

Sunday, March 08, 2020

Blimey, it's been a fair few years since my last post and it's probably about time to drop a few lines about where the time has gone.
The Fat Fairy is still baking but not nearly as much now. After a great deal of soul searching, I realised that as much as I love baking, it's not the thing I'm most passionate about and it doesn't make my heart sing they way acting does and so I've gone back to me first and only true love. I'm grateful to say that since making that very hard decision, the acting work has been fairly consistent. Only small stuff mind, but I've very much back in my happy place. Currently on the hunt for an agent to help move the career up a notch but though the progress is slow, it is at least moving in the right direction.
The other big thing I'd like to make happen this year, is to finally move into a place of my own. If I can make those two things happen, then I will consider 2020 a complete success. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Speak soon x

Below is a very, very small selection of pics from life over the past few years.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Well hello 2012...
2011 wasn't a bad year but I'm anticipating a fabulous New Year filled with opportunity, promise and unlimited potential.
January is off to a good start with orders already coming in and my head is full of ideas and plans and even a few resolutions I plan on keeping (including updating my blog a little more regularly!!!).
I'm going to take the bull by the horns and try to say yes to as many of the opportunities that come my way as possible. I'm going to put myself out there, take a few risks and live a little. What's the worse that can happen, right? I don't want to get to the end of another year with a list of "what ifs" as long as my arm.
Time to move forward, make changes, make a difference, make memories and laugh a lot : )
Wishing you all a fabulous 2012 x

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Oh poop!

I broke my promise and can't believe a whole year has passed since I last posted!
All of a sudden Autumn 2011 is upon us and I'm gazing out of my window and admiring the perfect Autumn day outside. Where, oh where, has the time gone? Again!
Things have been great in The Fat Fairy kitchen and as you can imagine, lots of baking has gone on over the last 12 months, so no complaints.
I'm still on the lookout for a bigger space for the business but so far, perfection has eluded me and nothing less than perfection will suffice as once I'm in, I don't plan on moving for a loooooooong time.
But, I remain unstintingly optimistic that the perfect place is out there if I just keep my eyes open : )
I spent yesterday at a fantastic networking evening at the quite gorgeous Charing Cross Hotel in London hosted by Huntress recruitment and handed out business cards left, right and centre and talked until I was hoarse. I met some amazing ladies and won a fabulous raffle prize too (a consultation with the amazing Sarupa Shah ( and can't wait to see how she can help transform my life/business for the better : )
I think it'll be an interesting journey and I'll keep you updated with progress reports.
With my favourite part of the year approaching, I'm filled with millions of ideas for delicious Christmas goodies for friends, family and my wonderful customers and I'll post some of those a little closer to the festivities as I think October is still too early to start getting ready for Christmas (despite the fact that the supermarkets are already stocking their shelves with Christmas produce. What is that about?! We haven't even had Halloween yet!).
Below, you'll find a few of the fab cupcakes I've had the opportunity to create this year.
Enjoy xxx

Friday, October 29, 2010

This whole time flying thing has got to stop happening...
Another few months have just whizzed by and I have been the worst blogger ever. I'm so sorry : (
I could blame it all on the fact that I've been busy (and I have been super, super busy) but I don't think that's the real reason.
I don't think blogging comes as naturally to me as to other people BUT I'm not giving up, I promise.
Lots to write about, so many orders and currently in the midst of some very exciting things.
I'll spill the beans but not tonight as I'm pooped. I just wanted to check in and say hi and to let you know that I'm still around and baking my little socks off.
More info and pictures very soon.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

And here comes the rain! A few glorious Spring days that ended all too soon but I was lucky enough to have one of those rare days for my first wedding fair - yay :)
Held at a gorgeous golf club and hotel (Langdon Hills Golf Club -, the day was a lot of fun and I learned loads and made a few contacts which is always useful. On top of all of that, I had my first ever editorial in a wedding magazine - whoop whoop : )
A full page spread with pictures in The Good Wedding Guide ( So it's been quite a year already and it's only March. I'm hoping to pick up a few orders from the magazine and I'm booked in for a couple more wedding fairs too and that's on top of the orders I already have for this year. Things are looking good. That positive thinking thing really works : )

Friday, February 05, 2010

how did that happen? Where did 2009 go?
Where did January 2010 go for that matter?
HUGE apologies for the serious lack of blogging : (
I wish I had an excuse, but I don't... Just been busy!

But, I'm back and will restart blogging properly very, very soon. I promise : )
Happy New Year by the way.
I hope 2010 brings you joy, contentment, laughter, love and cupcakes (of course).


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

NOT a cupcake post but one from the heart.

Welcome autumn to grey old Blighty. Not for us the spectacular, crisp, Indian summers that some countries get to to experience.
Watching Autumn approach London is like watching the colour drain from a canvas, leaving behind only the faintest imprint of a city... It makes me a little meloncholy. The year is passing so quickly.
3 months until Christmas, unemployed (boo to redundancy), still no acting work on the horizon and almost another year older to boot.
But, I remain steadfastly positive, greatful for the wonderful experiences and people I have in my life and I know that even better things are just around the corner : )

And wedding number 5 was successfully completed on September 12th 2009 - yay : )
Beautifully themed in pink and black by the lovely bride Emma (is it terrible that I never did find out the grooms name???)

Emma wanted vanilla and chocolate cupcakes in black cases ( a nightmare to find and a double nightmare to get hold off due to the postal strike -yikes!!!) She requested pink ribbons on the outside of the cases (I was going to wrap the ribbon all the way around but it proved impossible so I made lots of little pink bows and fixed them to the outside of the cases) and pink heart sprinkles and pink glitter on top of the cupcakes with pink and white butter icing. She provided a really unique topper (A Day of the Dead - El Día de los Muertos or All Souls' Day - bride and groom) which I felt worked really well.

The venue was the fantastic London Canal Museum in Kings Cross:(

The only downside was entering the venue at the same time as the wedding party (hugely embarrassing...).
We were running late due to ridiculous Saturday London traffic and although we were actually at the venue a few minutes before the wedding party, we couldn't get in as the manager/owner??? had locked the door and couldn't hear us knocking/yelling!!!! Thank goodness the meet and greet and whatnot was downstairs and the catering upstairs. It meant we had a bit of time to set up away from the wedding party (not stressful at all...).
Ah well....
I think the cakes were a success but as I've yet to hear from the bride, your guess is as good as mine : )
I'll keep my fingers crossed for positive feedback and of course, I'll let you know!